Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Notes and a Good Friend

A little while back I had a different kind of experience with one of my good friends. It was different not in the sense that it was something out-of-the-world sort of but it was different in the sense that it was totally unexpected and it kinda moved the ground beneath my feet. The Friend whom i thought to be a real, good, genuine friend lied, lied and lied to me just so that i wouldn't get the notes to study and complete before our examinations begun. I could have never possibly thought of the idea myself, it's so umm... Cheap! It left me shaken for a while to even believe that what happened was true! I mean the last thing I would expect from a good friend rather Any Friend was surely not this.

So how does this thing work? I score better than you so you try and score more than me by hurting me and depriving me of crucial information sometime before the examination? I don't really think that is Success or even Competition in the right terms, it's Deceit. If you really want to beat me at anything the only way you can is by improving yourself. What about the friendship? All that was all fake too? When I trsut someone, I trust with no limitations or discrimination, but when they break it, I love myself enough to let go of people I don't need.

This incident set me thinking, how could anyone possibly be sure of who the real person behind the Garb of Goodness was? Was it like everyone lived in these garbs and so didn't take a long time figuring out how the garb-thing operates? Or was I too blind to see the evident signs that lay before me to which I did not pay attention? Well, I don't know.

The one thing I can say surely is that I'm definitely going to be more careful about my friends. We don't really get to choose our parents or relatives or even neighbors, but then there are friends whom you can choose and treasure for the rest of your life. Well yes, everyone errs but what makes it a mistake is the refusal to correct it. I do have some awesome friends who can light up the entire city with just their silly jokes (and they have 'never' been cheap). Old is gold, right? I'm not certain how I'm going to trust new people or maybe it's just better that I don't! Thanks  my ex-good friend!
After all people might take away the notes again. ;)

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